Membership $250

$250.00 every month

Auto Renews Monthly

You get:

All member hours access

Use of tools and equipment*

3nd Friday is Members Night**

10% Discount on Visiting Artist Workshops

20% discount on all in-house classes taught by Julie, Polly or Keith

5% Discount on tools and product

Advance notice to register early for workshops

Member hours: M-F, 10 am-8 pm, Saturday and Sunday 2-8pm.


Auto Renews Monthly

You get:

All member hours access

Use of tools and equipment*

3nd Friday is Members Night**

10% Discount on Visiting Artist Workshops

20% discount on all in-house classes taught by Julie, Polly or Keith

5% Discount on tools and product

Advance notice to register early for workshops

Member hours: M-F, 10 am-8 pm, Saturday and Sunday 2-8pm.

Auto Renews Monthly

You get:

All member hours access

Use of tools and equipment*

3nd Friday is Members Night**

10% Discount on Visiting Artist Workshops

20% discount on all in-house classes taught by Julie, Polly or Keith

5% Discount on tools and product

Advance notice to register early for workshops

Member hours: M-F, 10 am-8 pm, Saturday and Sunday 2-8pm.

*Some tools require training before they can be used unsupervised.

**Members night will include hors d’oeuvres + drinks, a short demonstration or lecture at 6:30. We may share tips & tricks or new tool recommendations. Bring a friend!

Billed monthly.